Bill Rollins: You say "In my book, I lean heavily on the fact that Cooper is an engineer. He is intelligent, inventive, and meticulously plans this hijacking. When you view the case from this perspective, all of the "mysteries" and conundrums are gone. We are only left with who is Dan Cooper and where is he now?"
DB Cooper/Sheridan was not an engineer but a writer in the "Handbooks and Manuals Group" at Boeing but the rest of what you say is true about him. He found out all he needed to know about the 727 aft airstairs there where we even had a working Engineering Mock-up of the stairs attached to the 727 Flight Controls Test Rig that he had available to watch it work. He even had the Mechanical Engineers that designed the stairs available on the phone.
Bob Sailshaw
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If Sheridan is Cooper, then I am okay with that. However, there were some strange metal combinations, like pure titanium with 400 series stainless steel. Doesn't sound like an aircraft combination, probably more like a chemical plant application.
I also believe Cooper has endured a major loss, and is in deep despair. He probably has a grudge against our government, and he is willing to die to make his point. For me, this entire caper is based on "not letting the government get away with murder". The money holds no real value to Cooper, other than it frustrates the FBI when they can't recover it.
As I have also stated, I believe Cooper had an ingenious plan, and I have discussed his "escape via boat and the Lewis River". I have a high degree of confidence that this is what transpired on the night of November 24, 1971.
Of course one question that always comes up, where's the money?
Between eye witness verification, the metals on the tie, and having possession of the money, no suspect considered to date seems to fit the bill. An opinion that seems to be held by the FBI as well.