Re: Georger I usually make a map of such things people ID but in this case I guess I didnt ...I spent hours searching. If I remember this correctly it was north of Battleground/Orchards and east some distance from V23. I dont remember St Helens being close to it but Im not sure now .... I wish Sluggo was here, he would know in an instant what Im talking about.
Instead of Mount St. Helens, could it have been close to Mount Rainier? I definitely remember Hager talking about such a place, I just can't remember where he said it was located. I even remember him showing me on a map where it was. It seems like it was somewhere close to a mountain.(I guess that doesn't really help much.....sorry)
Are you sure it wasn't Jo Weber who claimed to know of such a place near Vancouver?
If I remember her claims correctly, that was the place where Duane and "the boys" acquired their alleged parachuting experience, fought forest fires, saved the Pacific Northwest from the Japanese balloon bombs during WW2 (nevertheless, I still saw one of those in flight), and helped the people over at Hanford whenever they encountered a tough physics problem.
It may have been Jo who posted something like the above, that lead to the IDing of an ordinance test range.
In any event you are correct, I think: it's the Yakima Firing (and Development) Center. The Wiki article on it is here: You are not allowed to view links.
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Subject Username Forum Post time
Re: [377] IT'S PROBABLY A FLARE CHUTE Robert99 Skydiving: Skydiving History & Trivia Nov 20, 2012, 3:04 PM
Re: [377] IT'S PROBABLY A FLARE CHUTE Robert99 Skydiving: Skydiving History & Trivia Nov 20, 2012, 11:39 AM
Re: [Robert99] IT'S PROBABLY A FLARE CHUTE georger Skydiving: Skydiving History & Trivia Nov 20, 2012, 11:55 AM
Re: [georger] Golf Clubs Robert99 Skydiving: Skydiving History & Trivia Jan 22, 2013, 11:47 AM
Re: [airtwardo] "Leg" Guru312 Skydiving: Skydiving History & Trivia Jan 29, 2009, 7:44 PM
Guru's post above is a very interesting read! Here: You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginAnd it is here (attached map) not where I thought. It is way east of the flight path.
Of course the possible relevance of this is Tom's particles, as per the phD who posted thru Bruce, and its relationship to Ft Lewis where a few Cooper suspects were examined ..