Most surplus chutes are sold without the harness. as you stated, there are dozens of reasons why a chute turns up, but my question is why none of the involved have come forward. the silence of the kids is rather questionable IMO. they blab everything, and yet......silence?
Until something can be proven its just one option _
Not everything in the Universe of Life is related to D B Cooper!

Example: quote Emma 1972: The plane passed over here and it was ON FIRE! Turned out she was relying on hearsay from her son who knew (worked with) Janet and her husband at ____________ Trucking.

But, you have to love this stuff. You just cant take it as gospel.
It would be easier if it was DB Cooper chute! Even FBI agents would admit that. One big mystery would be solved, immediately, after so many years. Its my information Carr and others went to the site not once but several times and dug etc .... they took this seriously. But Cossey and other experts nixed it saying (a) its the wrong kind of chute and (b) its the wrong material. It would be so much easier to say: BY GOD WE FOUND DB COOPER'S CHUTE!
The local historians and aviation historians didnt seem to able to provide an iron-clad explanation.
So option (c) is: its a WWII surplus chute prepped as surplus chutes were that somebody bought or was given and was using as a "cover" for farm equipment etc. If this was Iowa and any County in Iowa I would almost guarantee you this was a surplus chute used on the farm then disposed of and buried haphazardly ... 1950s onward.
Whatever is going on the people who found the chute aren't on TV talking about it! Not one reporter has been able to find or get to these people whoever they are so they certainly are not 'making hay' out of it, or promoting it.
It would be so much easier to say: we found DB Cooper's parachute. And none of the parties involved have said that. Only book writers and publicity hounds have said that, or suggested that. But for some reason they cant seem to even find the site or the people! I find that hilarious!