Hello, this is my first post but I'm longtime browser. I've enjoyed reading the discussions here and appreciate the effort that has been put into this website.
All the conflicting claims and supposed evidence in the DBC case is really frustrating. Sluggo's website has a nice section on the facts and myths of the DBC case. Unfortunately it has not been updated since 2010. Has any new evidence been released since then? It would be really helpful to have all the physical evidence and witness statements in one place with footnotes as to their source. It could be presented in a hierarchy based on how authoritative it is. For example level 1 is physical evidence, level 2 is eyewitness testimony, level 3 is testimony from individuals who viewed the FBI files, etc. I would start it myself but currently don't have the time or knowledge required.
One thing that has been irking me lately is this: According to Sluggo's website, DBC asked for "$200,000 in cash" and not negotiable American currency as reported on many websites and books. Until the facts are agreed on discussing suspects is an exercise in frustration.
Thanks for the vent. Still on my second cup of coffee this morning.
Now that I've had my second cup o' coffee....let me say that is great to see a new guy join the Cooper crew. A couple of thoughts:
1. I've come to learn after researching the case as a journalist since 2008 that facts are few in the Cooper case, and they are subject to a surprising degree of interpretation and dispute. So, Good Luck! Most of us develop a thicker skin and continue to read, post, and ponder...
2. There are many sources of information and all have some flaws, including Sluggo's site. Even the FBI's documentation has errors and misleading information, coupled with commentaries from agents who have clearly not read all the pertinent files nor fully understood them, such as Larry Carr's bumbling at the DZ about Earl Cossey's ownership of the parachutes.
3. Most researchers and posters here and elsewhere are selective in what they read about Cooper. I am ASTONISHED at how many people call me/email me with questions, offer commentaries or solicit support who have not read my book - or they only read the sections they want, such as on their favorite suspect. Last night, Galen Cook confessed to me that he has not read my book, even though he is featured in many sections of it. But he promised to
start reading it (!) this summer after he makes some real money being a lawyer.
4. As a result of #3, above, most of us treat the Forum as a kind of watering hole, gathering with kindred spirits to muse and pontificate upon DBC. Most of us here speak authoritatively - with varying degrees of mockery in our voice - but it all has to be taken with a smile and a sip of Tequila. Unless Georger really pisses me off and I have to give him a dose of his own medicine. Remember, gossip rules here and everywhere else, and successful writers never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
5. A recommended list of Cooper books has been mentioned at various places in the Forum and elsewhere, but it might be useful to post some thoughts, again:
- the top books on Cooper are written by: Geoffrey Gray, Richard Tosaw, Ralph Himmelsbach, and Russ Calame. I also consider my book,
DB Cooper and the FBI to be a worthy addition to the literature. Also, lots of interviews with Norjak principals are posted at my online news magazine, You are not allowed to view links.
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Login, which is free to access. Other sites also have value, such as Geoffrey's huntfordbcooper.com, and Marty Andrade's blog on Cooper.
6. Lastly, I have found that discussions about suspects are more appropriately understood to be arguments on whom we would like DB Cooper to be. I am one of those who feels that when we finally learn who DB Cooper is, we'll say, "Who the hell is that?"